© Jorge Gonçalves

MIGUEL PEREIRA – António Miguel

CCL - Centro Cultural de Lagos
Fri 9 AUG, 21h30

Dança / 60'

My images are born from that which I am not, from what I would like to embrace and cannot, because I’m made of limitations.
Perhaps by exceeding my own limits, I can find new things. This play is a reflection about performance, about creation and about the interpreter’s role as a mediator of the work.
It is a work that evokes other creators and other works that have influenced us. It is a work that is built around the identity of two people that as one create multiples imaginaries.

General concept: Miguel Pereira
Creation and Performance: Miguel Pereira, Antonio Tagliarini
Artistic Consultant: Vera Mantero
Light design: Miguel Pereira with Carlos Gonçalves
Costumes: Miguel Pereira
Executive production: O Rumo do Fumo
Co-production: Forum Dança
Support: CENTA
Sponsored by: Ministério da Cultura / IPAE – Instituto Português das Artes do Espectáculo
Supported by: Governo de Portugal – Secretário de Estado da Cultura / DG Artes

Attended Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa and Escola Superior de Dança de Lisboa. He received a scholarship to study in Paris and in New York.
As performer he worked with Francisco Camacho, Vera Mantero and Jorge Silva Melo, among others. He worked with Jerôme Bel in the piece Shirtologia (Miguel). As a choreographer he created, among others, Antonio Miguel for which he received the Revelation Prize José Ribeiro da Fonte / Ministry of Culture and an honour for the prize of Acarte by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Miguel created two pieces for Transitions Dance Company / Laban Centre, United Kingdom. He has performed and taught across Europe and Brazil.