© Marcelo Vigneron.
© Marcelo Vigneron.

COREIA #8 – Circular / Parasita com João dos Santos Martins

Clube Artístico Lacobrigense, Lagos / Fri 7 APR 16h30
SUL, SOL e SAL, Loulé / Sun 16 APR 16h00

Publication / 30' / Free Admission / M6

Coreia is an experimental, critical and discursive publication about the arts, based on a central relationship with dance.
This semestral journal proposes to be an independent and internationalist forum, based on issues, works and artists, concerned with promoting different formats in portuguese. Issue #8 is a special edition and dedicates a section to the writings of the contemporary dancer and choreographer Gil Mendo, who passed away in 2022. For the launch of Coreia #8, João dos Santos Martins – its editor-in-chief – will be present and there will also be a listening session/conference with artist and composer João Polido about his work Sombra de Vento (Hint of Wind), which is the source of his paper for this edition of Coreia, dwelling on matters of tradition, national identity, memory and world building via cultural practices.

Contribution #8: Ahn Vo, Ana Rita Teodoro & Valérie Castan, Chloe Chignell, Davi Pontes, Diana Niepce, Estelle Nabeyrat, Gil Mendo, Guilherme Valente, Inês Zinho Pinheiro, João Polido, Myriam Goufrink & Wilson Le Personnic, Pope.L, Rogério Nuno Costa, setareh fatehi, Silvia Federici, Tiago Amate.

Translation: Joana Frazão, Marinho Pina, Patrícia da Silva, Pedro Morais
Revision: Pedro Cerejo, Daniel Lühmann
Editorial Director: João dos Santos Martins
Associate Editor: Clara Amaral
Coreia Editors: Gil João dos Santos Martins, Joclécio Azevedo, Maria José Fazenda, Pedro Pinto
Graphic Designer #8: Isabel Lucena
Graphic Designer for Coreia Gil: Nuno Beijinho
Launching Support: Culturgest (Lisboa), Escola de Dança do Centro municipal de Juventude de Vila do Conde, Festival Verão Azul (Lagos, Loulé), Linha de Fuga (Coimbra), Livraria Centésima Página (Braga)
Distribution Support: Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua
Production and Distribution: Associação Parasita, Circular Associação Cultural

João dos Santos Martins (b. 1989, Santarém) has structured his artistic practices between choreography – usually co-created in collective collaboration – and dance, interpreting works by artists such as Moriah Evans, Xavier Le Roy, Eszter Salamon and Ana Rita Teodoro, among others. His interest in dance history’s genealogies, in their transmission processes and the links between practice and discourse led him to create a device for a collective mapping of dance in Portugal, called Para uma Timeline a Haver, alongside Ana Bigotte Vieira, and to found a biannual arts journal, Coreia, dedicated to artists’ writing.
Occasionally, he is also a curator.