Sorry, there’s no budget

Festival Verão Azul goes live streaming. Three days of online live broadcast performances via computer and/or telephone.
The Verão Azul Festival (sorry there’s no budget), will broadcast online in live streaming. Simultaneously there will be a video projection of all the online performances at LAC – Creative Activities Laboratory, where the audience is invited to come follow and participate in the events. It will also be possible for the rest of the audience worldwide to take part in this online event.
The Verão Azul Festival will feature several national and international artists and performers. Alongside the performance events, there will be a series of debates, named “Money Talks” featuring artists and curators from all over the world. An event open to the participant viewer, conversations around contemporary art and its subsistence moderated by Rui Catalão.

Sorry, there’s No Budget – an event of the world to the world.