© João Galante


LAC – Laboratório Actividades Criativas
Sat 25 OCT, 23h30

Is summer already over?
These last days we felt summer arriving suddenly, like in the last years. So it’s best to live in the morning and at night and, as far as possible, in a summer mood.
Blue is always a good colour for any summer. But let’s stop talking about days and let’s think about summer nights.
Tonight we want to play music thinking about all the characters of the TV series Blue Summer. In this blue summer night we will do everything we can so that you feel the summer of that blue. A last request: Bring ice! Lots of ice! Why? You’ll see!
GuerreiroGalante Dj’s – The bubbly duet in a night you won’t forget.
Dj’s GuerreiroGalante is a dual in / accidental Dj’s formed by Nelson Guerreiro (playwriter, performer and researcher in performative arts) and João Galante (choreographer, visual, sound and performance artist).
We only want to say that we seek to provide good times and shake the bodies that lend themselves to give a little foot. Each music responds to the leit-motiv: Let’s dance! If you say run, I’ll run with you / If you say hide, we’ll hide / Because my love for you…